Searching for elements within the Instances view and jumping to this element

How to search for sub-elements in the current element of the Instances view and how to jump to this sub-element within the view:

  1. Open the context menu for a sub-element, e.g. an â†’instance.

  2. Select the command Search within Current Element. Alternative: Press Ctrl+F.

  3. Enter one or more letters. This displays a list with all elements fitting your input.

  4. Click an element in the list (e.g. a â†’variable). Alternative: Select this element by using the cursor movement keys and press the Enter-key.


The search is restricted to the sub-elements of the current element.
If you are searching for sub-elements within a different element (e.g. in a different instance or even in an instance included in the current element), start the search for this very element.